Adminix Documentation Help


Page configuration providing by class implements interface AlexKudrya\Adminix\AdminixPageProvider

// app/Adminix/Pages/IndexPage.php namespace App\Adminix\Pages; use AlexKudrya\Adminix\AdminixPageProvider; use AlexKudrya\Adminix\AdminixPage; class IndexPage implements AdminixPageProvider { const URI = '/'; public static function get(): AdminixPage { $page = new AdminixPage(); $page->setAsHomePage(); $page->uri(self::URI); $page->name('index'); $page->addModules(...); return $page; } }

Every page provider class must implement get() method which return AlexKudrya\Adminix\AdminixPage class instance

Create new Adminix page

To create new page to should use next Artisan command:

php artisan make:adminix_page

you also can get your new page the name, for example Products:

php artisan make:adminix_page products

Result, new Adminix page file will be created - app/Adminix/Pages/ProductsPage.php

// app/Adminix/Pages/ProductsPage.php <?php namespace App\Adminix\Pages; use AlexKudrya\Adminix\AdminixPage; use AlexKudrya\Adminix\AdminixPageProvider; class ProductsPage implements AdminixPageProvider { const URI = 'products'; public static function get(): AdminixPage { $page = new AdminixPage(); $page->uri(self::URI); $page->name('products'); $page->addModules( // ToDo: add required modules ... ); return $page; } }

After that, you should add this class to pages array in config/adminix.php:

// config/adminix.php use App\Adminix\Pages\IndexPage; use App\Adminix\Pages\UsersPage; use App\Adminix\Pages\ProductsPage; ... 'pages' => [ IndexPage::get(), UsersPage::get(), ProductsPage::get(), // <- Here is your new page ... ] ...

And if you need, you can add to sidebar menu link to this page:

// confing/adminix.php use AlexKudrya\Adminix\Modules\Link\MenuLinkModule; use App\Adminix\Pages\IndexPage; use App\Adminix\Pages\UsersPage; use App\Adminix\Pages\Products; ... 'menu' => [ 'title' => 'Admin panel', 'links' => [ MenuLinkModule::title('Dashboard') ->uri(IndexPage::URI) ->icon('bi bi-speedometer2'), MenuLinkModule::title('Users') ->uri(UsersPage::URI) ->icon('bi bi-people-fill'), // Below is your new link to your new page -> MenuLinkModule::title('Products') ->uri(Products::URI) ->icon('bi bi-boxes'), ... ] ], ...

Adminix page configuration




Define home page for Adminix panel.

Must be used only for one Adminix page (usually it is index page).


Defines the URL address of adminix page.


Must be unique.

Structure - [Base URL] / [Prefix (from config)] / [Page URI].

Example if page uri set to products page full URL wil be -

Recommended to define URI constant for using it in this method and for link in menu configuration.


Defines system name for page.


Must be unique.

addModule / addModules

Adding module(s) to the page.

Every module is an instance of AdminixTopModuleInterface with his personal configuration.

They are rendered in the same order in which they are executed by addModule or addModules methods in AdminixPage object.

How to configure modules described in Modules.

Last modified: 06 June 2024